Begriddled! Logic Online Status

Begriddled! Logic is now out with all the solutions available online. A downloadable PDF file containing all the solutions will be available from the book page soon.

The puzzles are:

Where Would We Be? 
Missing FruitI intend doing a video for this
Angelic Cardiffian? 
First Nobel First 
Four Cars 
Four Distances 
Four Gemstones 
Four Cities 
Four Animals 
Four Musical Instruments 
Four Rivers 
Battleships 1 
Battleships 2 
Battleships 3 
Battleships 4 
Battleships 5 
Battleships 6 
Battleships 7 
Battleships 8 
Battleships 9 
Battleships 10 
Battleships 11 
Battleships 12 
Battleships 13 
Battleships 14 
Battleships 15 
Battleships 16 
Battleships 17Has video
Battleships 18 
Mythological Duo 1 
Mythological Duo 2 
Mythological Duo 3 
Mythological Duo 4 
Mythological Duo 5 
Mythological Duo 6 
Mythological Duo 7 
Mythological Duo 8 
Mythological Duo 9 
Mythological Duo 10 
Mythological Duo 11 
Mythological Duo 12 
Mythological Duo 13 
United States and Canada Etc 
Boy From Nowhere 
A Big Village In Wales 
A Small Village In Scotland 
Pack Hunter 
What Goes Round 
Canid Ancestor and Descendant 
The Shadow of Pallas Athena 
What Goes Up 
Treasure hunt 
The End